
Happy Birthday! Is It Really A Celebration Without Cake?

Happy Birthday! Is It Really A Celebration Without Cake?

why is it that all our celebrations involve food? And not just any food, our holiday tables are laden with rich and sugary treats. There’s a good reason for that. One that’s embedded in our cultural DNA. In days past food took a lot more energy to find and prepare. Our ancestors, as recently as...

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Decadent Hot Cocoa That’s Actually Good for You!

Decadent Hot Cocoa That’s Actually Good for You!

It was a mellow Christmas at our house this year. Bitterly cold and windy outside, we were happy to hunker down inside and enjoy a quiet day by ourselves. On a whim after I’d washed up the dinner dishes I decided to make us some hot cocoa. The result was a rich, frothy, decadent tasting treat. The...

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Walking this Camino Called Life

Walking this Camino Called Life

Eight years ago I boldly announced to my friends on Facebook that I intended to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Why in the world would I want to follow an ancient pilgrim’s road 500 miles across Northern Spain to end up at a Cathedral that has no real significance to me? I love...

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Disrupt Your Brain’s Autopilot with Mindful Eating

Disrupt Your Brain’s Autopilot with Mindful Eating

Wlive most of our lives on autopilot. Do any of us really pay attention? How many times have you opened the refrigerator door and had no memory of what you wanted? I bet you blamed it on a “Senior moment.” It’s easy to blame an aging brain. But more than likely you were barely conscious of a...

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I Have No Willpower

I Have No Willpower

How many times have you said to yourself, “I’m weak” or “I have no willpower” just before indulging in something that’s not too good for you? It’s something I hear from people all the time. Yes, I can fall into that trap too. Yesterday my husband brought home some Indian take-out and asked me if I...

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You Snooze, You Lose – Literally

You Snooze, You Lose – Literally

Sleep can assist weight loss. Losing weight and keeping it off involves instituting a whole lot of little habits that you do on a consistent basis. Getting enough sleep is one of those habits. But getting enough sleep involves more than just lying in bed getting your Zs. Sleep in itself requires...

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What Being (Temporarily) Disabled Has Taught Me

What Being (Temporarily) Disabled Has Taught Me

I’ve been through a rough patch lately. Things seem to happen in bunches and this past fall the bunch hit me big time. Everything was fixable - and for that I’m grateful - but it was way more than I’m used to. It started with cataracts that went from a minor annoyance to sight-threatening very...

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Mindfulness is The Foundation for Long Term Weight Loss

Mindfulness is The Foundation for Long Term Weight Loss

How many times have you lost weight and gained all or most of it back? If you have, you’re in good company, that’s what happens to most people. In a meta-analysis of 29 long-term weight loss studies, more than half of the lost weight was regained within two years, and by five years more than 80%...

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Taking mindfulness practice off the cushion and into the kitchen

Taking mindfulness practice off the cushion and into the kitchen

I’ve always been interested in contemplative practice, and over the years I’ve studied with teachers from Buddhist, Christin and Jewish traditions. On several occasions I asked the teacher, “How do I bring this practice into everyday life?” The answer was always the same, “Keep at it, it will...

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