Classes and Coaching

Karen Chard Hug — Work with mePut yourself in the driver’s seat when it comes to your food choices

  • Stop saying “I’ll do better tomorrow
  • Make permanent changes in your life and eating habits
  • One thing I promise I won’t do is shove a diet or food rules at you. I’ll help you figure that out for yourself. I truly believe to make lasting change you need to own your food choices.

Let’s talk — No salesy gimmicks — Just heartfelt conversation

Click here for a free consultation

Celebrate the Holidays Without Overeating

Group Coaching for a Guilt — Free Season


Group Coaching Registration Is Now Closed

A new group will be forming in the new year
sign up for my weekly newsletter for updates


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Holiday season is starting — are you ready?

We start with a candy holiday, followed by a pie holiday, a cookie holiday and it all ends with a drinking binge.

What if you didn’t hate yourself for eating all the Halloween candy … again?

What if you enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner instead of feeling overstuffed and falling into a food coma?

What if you got to the end of the year without groaning about holiday weight and lack of willpower?

Want to survive — even enjoy the holidays? Could you use support for this to NOT be a 3-month binge?

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Mindful Eating for the Season and Beyond

We all want a quick fix. You’ve heard about — and probably tried — a million diets that promised that you’d lose a lot of weight in six weeks or some other quick turnaround timeframe.

Maybe it even worked, but the results are like the change. Quick off and quick back on. It’s not sustainable.

We know what we shouldn’t eat — and probably what we should. We know we should exercise.

But it feels hard. It feels like a lot of work for slow gain.

But here’s the thing, real change brings lasting change.

Mindful eating isn’t a diet, it’s a tool. It’s a different way of being. Whether you want to lose weight and keep it off or you simply want a better relationship with food, mindful eating is the way.

No More Dieting

We’re going to get through the holidays without gorging and thinking about dieting in the new year.

Instead, in Celebrate the Holidays you’ll learn to make healthier food and lifestyle choices — and have support through group coaching as you build these new habits.

You aren’t alone struggling with food. Sharing your experiences, hearing other people’s stories is part of the magic. I’ll weave in my own experience resetting my relationship with food and my expertise in nutrition, counseling, and coaching.

Making change isn’t easy. Having weekly support and companionship increases the chances of sticking with it!

Let’s get started!

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You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

Lean into the support of a group of women struggling with the same problems. The groups will be small, so that you know you aren’t alone, but you aren’t overwhelmed either. It’s a chance to share and learn from each other — and sometimes our biggest light bulb moments came from sharing our own experience with others.

We won’t just talk about struggles. We’ll celebrate wins too! It’s easy to get bogged down in our mistakes or what’s not working. Taking time to celebrate wins helps cement them and builds momentum moving forward. Let’s cheer each other on. Group coaching offers community support and expert guidance for a price much lower than 1:1 coaching. It’s a great way to try out coaching.

How the Group Works

We’ll meet weekly, every Tuesday evening (EST) from November 7 to December 12. You’ll get a Zoom link after you register.

My goal is to create a safe space for participants to share, bond with each other and create a supportive community.

Here’s What We’ll Cover

      • Mindfulness, mindful eating, self-compassion
      • The basics of habit change and how to set goals that will work for you
      • How to make healthy food choices, what processed food is, reading labels with new eyes
      • Why calorie density is more effective than portion control
      • Putting it all together, how to live a healthy lifestyle

You’ll have lots of time for questions and support.

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My Unique Perspective

Karen SteinerI’ve had my own life-long struggle with food. I spent the past 12 years searching for an answer. What I found was far more complex than going on a diet or exercising daily or practicing portion control. By understanding how the addictive process was working inside me and by applying the mindfulness that I’d been practicing for years, I was able to stop overeating, lose weight and keep it off.

If you want to be in control of what and how much you eat, then you’re invited to join us.


Is this a weight loss group?

Not exactly. In our time together we’ll work at changing our relationship to food and to ourselves and to making healthier lifestyle choices. Weight loss often results but it won’t be the major focus.

Will our group sessions be recorded?
No. It’s understood that not everybody can make every meeting. But in order to make this a safe space, everything will be confidential and the sessions won’t be recorded.

What if I’m no longer able to attend?
Refunds are limited due to the group’s short timeframe. If you need to cancel before the group starts on November 7 you can get a refund of $139.50 (full amount minus bank fees). After the group starts, if you are unable to attend a 50% refund will be available until November 18.

Do I need meditation experience?
No. All levels of meditation experience can benefit. We’ll begin each week with some meditation instruction. There are many styles of meditation and we’ll expriment with several different methods so you can find the one(s) that most resonate with you.


This class is in the process of being revised, sign up here if you’d like to know when it’s available again

Sign-up Here

Are you tired of overeating? Do you often feel like the food is in control?

This course is for anyone who’s food choices often lead to feelings of frustration, shame or anger — regardless of whether or not you feel like you need to lose weight.

Eating is pleasurable, if it wasn’t we wouldn’t be here. We have more pleasurable food available to us than ever before. And it’s killing us.

This program will give you the tools and information you need to take control of your food choices.

You’ll gain insight into the many factors that influence food choices, from you as an individual to the systemic/cultural reasons.

In addition, we’ll focus on finding ways to avoid eating more than we intended and introduce some science-backed habit change strategies.

First, we’ll address the problem

  • The basic neuroscience of how food interacts with the pleasure centers of our brains
  • How the foods we eat influence dopamine production and why it drives us to eat more than we want
  • Why food that’s bad for you tastes so good
  • How food companies manipulate us to eat more than we want
  • Why diets, moderation and portion control don’t work in the long-term

Then we’ll look at a solution

  • The science of habit change
  • How a mindfulness practice can help you take control of your food choices
  • The basics of mindfulness: How to get started
  • Incorporating a mindfulness practice into daily life and eating habits
  • Eating guidelines that make sense

Register Now

What you’ll get

  • Videos released every week.
  • Each week will have two or three 10-15 minute videos that you can watch at your convenience. You’ll have unlimited life-time access to these videos
  • Three one hour-long classes on Zoom
  • We’ll get together once a week for small group discussion, guided meditations, and Q and A.
  • Access to a library of guided meditations

How it works

Registration is closed now, follow the registration link and we’ll let you know when the next class is running.
We will have 3 live workshops together. You’ll receive materials, videos and pdf resources, a week prior to each class so you’ll have plenty of time to go over all the resources before we meet.

My unique perspective

Karen SteinerThis class was born out of my life-long struggle with food. I’ve spent the past 12 years searching for an answer. What I found was far more complex than going on a diet or exercising daily or practicing portion control. By understanding how the addictive process was working inside me and by applying the mindfulness that I’d been practicing for years, I was able to stop overeating, lose weight and keep it off.

If you want to be in control of what and how much you eat, then you’re invited to join this class.

 Special Early Bird Price Through December 31st
Regular price January 1st – 5th

Register Now


What if I can’t make one of the Zoom classes?
An edited recording of the Zoom class will be available.

How do I access the course materials after it has ended?
All the written materials will be sent to you in a shared Google Doc. You can easily make a copy of it for yourself. The videos will be published on YouTube as unlisted. So you will need the link in order to access them. All the appropriate links will be in the Google Doc.

What if I don’t have time to listen to the videos before class?
It won’t be too much of a problem. You’ll definitely get more out of the class if you do, but you can still learn by coming to class.

Is there a refund policy?
You may request a full refund until December 5, 2022. After that no refunds will be available.  If for some reason you are dissatisfied feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to accommodate you.

What Past Participants Have Said

A brief but comprehensive introduction to mindful eating – A good way to get started.

Lori C.  Massachusetts

Karen presented strategies during her course that were very practical and easy to apply. She also provides a wealth of evidence based material to support the lectures.  I am looking forward to making the suggested changes to slowly but effectively break the cycle of food addiction.

Margarita M.  Massachusetts

Karen’s understanding of what really works for weight management and her approach that honors each person’s unique journey makes her the perfect coach for those who want to finally break free from being controlled by food.

Karen P.  New York

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